stair master!
starting to get there!
getting some actual work done! let’s touch base soon
pigeons and gun
new picture!
update on willow!
she’s doing great, very bold and upbeat so that’s great , we will start getting more strict with her and asking more very soon! the video quality is poor, we will try to get a better one – sorry!
obedience work
notice Brycee is just using the tab of a collar for a “leash” – we are using the e collar at the same time and you can tell she’s understanding the work and enjoying it
cash and brycee
looking good buddy
sitting and staying
platform work
walking at heel
she does a good job at not pulling but you can tell when Brycee gives her attention it stimulates her to where she wants to get up- no biggy but need to increase the time she has to sit down, we are using the e collar as we work her as well
pigeon work
she gets excited but just hasn’t clicked yet
a talk about Emma
pigeon clip 2
clip 1
pigeon hunting
he wants to pick at the bird which isn’t ideal but that’s typical for a dog that doesn’t have a high desire to retrieve but he loves to hunt
balls from home
cement yard and hallway
clip 3
trying to retrieve
clip 2
trying to retrieve
clip 1
obedience video
out for a stroll
start of upland course
need to build some drive and some stamina but good job
Pictures of Sako
Obedience walk with Sako
he’s got it!
ready to roll
update of our day
clip 2
killing it
great work girl
happy and doing it the way she should
Willows first obedience walk part 2
Willows first obedience walk
Pictures of Willow
Cash’s first obedience walk
Pictures for Cash
pigeon 5
pond pigeon 4
pond pigeon 3
pond pigeon 2
pond pigeon 1
a walk at heel
pigeon second look and building confidence
looking better!
first look at a pigeon
first look at a pigeon
new pics
last clip
clip 4?
clip 3
marsh clip 2
marsh clip 1
clip 3
clip 2
500 yard track – 3 turns – with wind
clip 1